Over the Bridge

Screaming into the Void


About the Site

This blog was first created during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. It's basically a way for me to let off some steam while sitting in almost-isolation in my apartment. I took my cue from my friend, Eric, who had a blog he occasionally wrote in from 2015 until about 2018 (linked at the top of this site); it seemed to be pretty cathartic for him, so I feel that it'll be somewhat similar for me.

I figure I'll basically make this whole thing about my main hobbies. Those hobbies are, specifically: biking, reading speculative fiction (of varying kinds), writing speculative fiction (of varying kinds), game programming, learning the fiddle, brewing beer, playing video games, and cooking. As part of that writing hobby, I do also have a completed novel (which, I'm fairly certain is terrible), that I may post on here after I give it a good edit. Maybe.

Also as part of making the site, I also took the liberty of throwing together a static site generator instead of using one of the out of the box ones for fun; basically it uses a Perl framework I wrote at work to coordinate things; using the perl Liquid module I wrote, and a markdown parser to spit out HTML based on simple markdown files that I stick in a folder. So that'll also be developing in tandem with actually writing articles, and may write a few articles about that, if I find anything particularly interesting to talk about.

About Me

As for me, I'm Adam (or Garry; don't ask), a young-ish (32), asexual software engineer just starting out on a career of being a web developer. Currently, I work as a back-end developer that creates web services for e-commerce for a company that I helped found back in 2012 (or 2015, depending on how official you want to be about things). I've interned with a bunch of companies, and have worked a full-stack web developer in the past; I've also got a decent amount of experience with low-level programming for search engines and games.

I was born in Ottawa, but moved to Montreal when I was quite young, and I consider myself to be a Montréalais. I am technically bilingual, and feel totally comfortable working in french if my job requires it (which, to be honest, is rarely), but I'm not as confident speaking french socially as I'd like; I'd certainly likely to be bettter at it. I currently rent a small apartment in Verdun, a near-downtown neighborhood of Montreal, with a roomate who used to work in the brewing industry.